People Who Sue To Protect Their Legal Civil Rights
Are Ensuring an Orderly Civil Society
That Benefits Themselves and Everyone Else
So why am I making this statement? I’m making this statement because over the years I have met people who think it’s wrong to sue another person when that person causes them harm from a car accident. People have said things to me like, “I don’t believe in suing,” and “There are too many lawsuits.” So why this negative attitude?
It’s not surprising that some people feel this way considering what the insurance industry has been doing. For over 30 years, the insurance industry has spent huge sums of money on TV commercials, radio and newspaper ads telling lies to the public to avoid paying legitimate claims and to maximize their profits. The insurance industry has spread lies like, “people who sue drive good doctors out of business,” “drive up the cost of things that we need to buy,” and “kill jobs.”
To some dishonest companies, it’d be a great business if you could get someone to pay for a product, but never have to give it to them. Sounds like fraud, but the insurance industry has been getting away with it. We pay the insurance premium in exchange for the product–the insurance company’s promise to pay if we cause a car accident and harm another person. Could you imagine going into a shoe store, paying the price for a pair of shoes, and the shoe store owner refusing to give you the shoes. And then have the store owner tell you that if you sued for the shoes you paid for, your lawsuit would cause the price of shoes to rise for other people, cause store owner to lay off his workers, and drive him out of business. Sounds ridiculous, doesn’t? But that’s what the insurance industry gets away with when it lies to convince people to act against their own interest and not sue for the money they lost and the injuries they suffered from a car accident.
If what the insurance industry has been doing sounds so ridiculous, then why do the insurance industry lies sometimes work and get people to act against their own interest? The insurance industry has a lot of money and has been telling lies for many years whereas there’s no well funded group to spend the same amount of money on TV, radio and newspapers to expose those lies. To make matters worse, there’s no law against insurance companies lying to the public to maximize their profits. Does that make sense? If you tell a lie and harm another person’s reputation, there’s a law against it and that person can sue you for the damage you caused. However, there’s no law against the insurance industry lying to the public, even when those lies harm individuals and the rest of society. That’s why the insurance industry does it. If it gets caught, no penalty, and if the lies work, profits increase.
So when the insurance industry lies succeed, who pays? Now some may be tempted to think, “It makes no difference to me if the insurance company doesn’t pay on a legitimate claim, as long as I don’t have to pay”. But that’s the problem. If the insurance company doesn’t pay a legitimate claim, the claim gets paid by you, me and the rest of society. Here’s how. If a person who suffers a physical injury in a car accident can no longer work, and the insurance company does not pay for the damages caused by the car accident, then that person will ultimately run out of money and end up on social security disability. Social security disability is funded by you and me–the taxpayers. So remember, when an insurance company doesn’t fully compensate a person for damages suffered in a car accident, we do.
So when a person injured in a car accident sues, that person contributes to an orderly civil society because that person makes the insurance company live up to its end of the bargain and deliver its product–insurance coverage. Can you imagine a society where company’s routinely did not deliver their products once paid for and put the cost on the rest of society—it’d be chaotic and disorderly. Those types of legal violations harm the person injured, you, me and the rest of society.
Want Peace of Mind and a Complete Evaluation of Your Case?
Call (610) 365-4565 NOW or Click HERE to Schedule a Consultation with Chester County Pennsylvania Car Accident Attorney, Michaelangelo L. Dippolito. Click HERE to see the attorney’s background.
Not Ready to Speak to an Attorney Yet? No Problem.
Get this FREE Book and Consumer Protection Guide. Anyone who has tried to get an insurance company to pay them money for damages for their car, out-of-pocket medical expenses, lost wages, or for physical injuries, has no idea what they’re up against. That’s why I wrote the Book, and Consumer Protection Guide, Injured in a Car Accident? What You Need to Know to Protect Your Legal Rights in Pennsylvania. In that book, I tell you what you need to know to protect your legal rights and avoid the insurance industry’s “Sucker Punch Approach,” which the insurance industry uses routinely on unsuspecting honest people to avoid paying the full value for legitimate car accident claims to maximize their profits. Here’s some of what’s in the FREE Book and Consumer Protection Guide:
- Six Reasons the Insurance Industry Doesn’t Want You to Read this Book
- You Are at War With the Other Person’s Insurance Company–Not the Person who Caused the Car Accident
- The Insurance Industry’s Sucker Punch Approach
- How the Insurance Company will Try to Use the Sucker Punch Approach on You
- Don’t Let Your Family Doctor Intentionally Ruin Your Claim
Still Not Ready and Want to Learn More Before You Move Forward? No problem.
Click HERE for more case examples of how the insurance industry tried to use the sucker punch approach on our clients and how we made sure that didn’t happen.
Click HERE for more information on car accidents in Pennsylvania. And remember, we are just a phone call away at (610) 365-4565.
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