Non-economic Damages in Car Accidents
The following is the non-economic damages that you may have in a car accident:
Past Pain and Suffering–If you suffered physical injuries, and those physical injuries caused pain for a limited time, for example six months, than the other driver’s insurance company would have to pay you for the pain you experienced during that time.
Future Pain and Suffering–If you suffered physical injuries, and those physical injuries are not expected to ever completely heal, and you are expected to experience pain indefinitely into the future, then the other driver’s insurance company would have to pay you for the pain you experience in the future.
Past Embarrassment and Humiliation—An example of this type of damage is emotional distress and humiliation because you can no longer tie your own shoes. This could be a long list depending on how the car accident affected you. If you suffered this type of damage for a limited time, for example six months, then the other driver’s insurance company would have to pay you money for that damage.
Future Embarrassment and Humiliation. If you suffered this type of damage, and it is never expected to completely end, and you are expected to experience it indefinitely into the future, then the other driver’s insurance company driver would have to pay you for it.
Past Lost Enjoyment of Life—What’s that? Let’s say you played tennis three times per week, and you enjoyed doing it. However, because of your physical injuries, you were not able to play tennis for a limited time, let’s say six months. If that’s the case, then the other driver’s insurance company would have to pay you money for that lost enjoyment. Tennis is just an example: you may have none, one, or many of this type of loss.
Future Lost Enjoyment of Life—Similar to the example for past loss enjoyment of life, but it’s not for a limited time, and the loss is expected to last for the remainder of your life. For example, because of your physical injuries, you’ll never be able to play tennis again. If that’s the case, then the other driver’s insurance company will have to pay you money for that lost enjoyment.
Disfigurement—if the car accident caused a scar on your face, or some other disfigurement, then the other driver’s insurance company would have to pay you for that.
Harm to Your Spouse—if you were married at the time of the car accident, and your injuries negatively affected your relationship with your spouse, then the other driver’s insurance company would have to pay your spouse for that loss. For example, you can no longer help around the house like you did before the accident, then your spouse could recover for that loss.
Want Peace of Mind and a Complete Evaluation of Your Case?
Call (610) 365-4565 NOW or Click HERE to Schedule a Consultation with Chester County Pennsylvania Car Accident Attorney, Michaelangelo L. Dippolito. Click HERE to see the attorney’s background.
Not Ready to Speak to an Attorney Yet? No Problem.
Get this FREE Book and Consumer Protection Guide. Anyone who has tried to get an insurance company to pay them money for damages for their car, out-of-pocket medical expenses, lost wages, or for physical injuries, has no idea what they’re up against. That’s why I wrote the Book, and Consumer Protection Guide, Injured in a Car Accident? What You Need to Know to Protect Your Legal Rights in Pennsylvania. In that book, I tell you what you need to know to protect your legal rights and avoid the insurance industry’s “Sucker Punch Approach,” which the insurance industry uses routinely on unsuspecting honest people to avoid paying the full value for legitimate car accident claims to maximize their profits. Here’s some of what’s in the FREE Book and Consumer Protection Guide:
- Six Reasons the Insurance Industry Doesn’t Want You to Read this Book
- You Are at War With the Other Person’s Insurance Company–Not the Person who Caused the Car Accident
- The Insurance Industry’s Sucker Punch Approach
- How the Insurance Company will Try to Use the Sucker Punch Approach on You
- Don’t Let Your Family Doctor Intentionally Ruin Your Claim
Still Not Ready and Want to Learn More Before You Move Forward? No problem.
Click HERE for more case examples of how the insurance industry tried to use the sucker punch approach on our clients and how we made sure that didn’t happen.
Click HERE for more information on car accidents in Pennsylvania. And remember, we are just a phone call away at (610) 365-4565.
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